
For the DMMM sisters, Formation is an on-going process extending to every aspect of our personality and life. Through our Formation, we discern the reality of our vocation and accept the conviction that we are called by God who is working in our life.

We have the following stages in our Formation process:

The Postulancy:

The postulants study the Bible and Catholic Church teachings for two years.


This is a two years training at the Noviate House. The Novices continued the study of the Bible and Catholic Church teachings, the Constitution and Spirituality of the Order with intense prayer life.

First or Temporary Vows:

This stage is the first profession of vows where the sisters in formation take the three temporary vows of Obedience, Poverty and Chastity.

Final or Perpetual Vows:

After six years of temporary profession of vows, the sisters take their perpetual vows. Now the sisters are ready to be sent out on a mission.



Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy - 2025